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Dear Friends & Supporters! Thank you very much to everyone who has donated so far.

Dear Friends & Supporters!
Thank you very much to everyone who has donated so far. Your donations have helped out a lot in overcoming our current difficulties. After the long quarantine, we’ve been able to get back to in-person classes, we were able to hold onto our students, and we were able to open new horizons for many of them.
We are now at the middle of the month, and so far we’ve been able to gather about 10% of the amount missing for the continued operation of our school. We are very happy about this!
But we still need your help.
We ask that in the remaining two weeks, if you are able, please donate to our school! Every forint counts!
Our goal is for as many Roma youth in Borsod as possible to graduate from high school.
If you support this goal, please support our school! You can donate at this link:
If you’ve already donated, please share this post! It helps a lot!
Thank you!